For the second time in less than a year, déi Lénk would like to congratulate Jeremy Corbyn for being elected leader of the British Labour Party, as well as the active Labour members for correcting the party elite’s right-wing neoliberal course and contributing to rebuilding the British left.
His first election as leader of the Labour Party last year has been heavily contested by huge parts of the party elite from the very beginning. After the « Brexit » vote the Blairite Labour MP’s decided to act by instigating what can only be qualified as an attempted coup against the democratically elected left-wing Labour leader. They even changed the electoral procedure to exclude thousands of Labour members from voting.
However, Jeremy Corbyn still received 62% of the vote – thereby not only strengthening his democratic mandate as Labour leader, but becoming a symbol of hope to the entirety of the European left and working class.
Keep the red flag flying, comrades.
déi Lénk, Luxembourg