It’s time for a new Feminist Wednesday!

When ?
Wednesday, 5 July from 7pm
Where ?
Café Saga, 6 Avenue des Hauts-Fournaux
L-4362 Belval
Presentation by Marissa Darwulla, social worker and activist for better justice for victims of domestic violence
Starts at 7pm: Introduction by artist Menina Camarada
7.10pm: Presentation by Marissa Daruwalla
8pm – 8.30pm: Questions from the audience
9pm – 10pm: DJ set by Ori and Lulu and live painting by Menina Camarada
Admission is free
In theory, victims of domestic violence are encouraged to lodge a complaint against their abuser, or even to take legal action. But what happens in practice? Victims are encouraged to “dare” to “defend” themselves, to make their voices heard. But are these voices really heard? And what is the price to pay once a victim decides to go up against her attacker? Is it only monetary or also personal and emotional?
Marissa Daruwalla, a social worker, activist and survivor of domestic violence herself, will give us a presentation entitled “The price of justice for victims of domestic violence” in English (translation into French is provided). During this presentation, Marissa Daruwalla will tell us about the constraints she encountered throughout her trial in the Luxembourg judicial system and the consequences of our current system for complainants.
The introduction will be provided by calligraphy and collage artist Menina Camarada, who explores issues such as patriarchal violence and the emancipation of victims from their aggressors in her works.
From 9pm onwards, DJ duo Ori and Lulu will be on the decks to round off the evening with some great music!